Put leftover pulled pork in a skillet on low heat and cover. Stirring occasionally.
1 lb Pulled Pork
Next dice up onion, jalapeno, avocado, and cilantro.
½ md Avocado, 1 sm Onion, 1 Jalapeno, ½ cup Cilantro
Over medium-high heat, splash some avocado oil into the skillet. Just enough to coat the bottom lightly. Add the corn tortillas and instantly move them around and flip them so boh sides of the tortilla absorb some of the oil. Fry the corn tortillas in avocado oil for about 1-2 min per side. You should be able to fry 2 at a time, depending on the size of your skillet. As they are finished stack on a small plate and cover so they stay warm. Unless your ready to serve, then get after it.
4-6 Corn Tortillas, 1 tbsp Avocado Oil
While you are frying tortillas heat the other skillet up to high for the eggs. Add a little oil and crack in some eggs. Cook them how you prefer. Over-medium or over-hard is recommended for this recipe.
2 lg Farm Fresh Eggs
Start building some tacos. Recommended layering is Tort > Pork > Onion > Jala > Egg > Avo > Cilantro > Saas